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Five Reasons Why You Need an Experienced Drug Crimes Lawyer


(USGovernment-News.Com, January 07, 2016 ) Chicago, IL -- Under such conditions, the attorney you pick for yourself can make a massive difference in your emotional well-being. You heard that right.

Besides the legal aspect, an attorney also functions as an emotional anchor for a client. You will be spending the maximum time with your lawyer. You will share every personal detail with him. You will need someone who provides you the strongest legal advice, and at the same time empathizes with you. Clarity, honesty, a shared understanding, and ultimately successful defense becomes possible when you have an empathetic and understanding lawyer.

He Will Help You Progress While You Recover

A top Chicago drug crimes lawyer will understand that mental health is important. In the process of fighting the charges, such a lawyer constantly helps the client recover from the blow. Irrespective of whether his client has committed the crime or not, such a lawyer does not pass judgment. He creates a safe environment for his client, where the client can reveal his fears and failures. Such a secure environment strengthens the relationship between the two. The lawyer has greater clarity and understanding, and consequently will be able to create a tighter and stronger defense.

The accused on the other hand will feel light and cathartic while interacting with the lawyer. His mental health will slowly start improving, and he will not hide any important evidence or facts from the attorney. This will also restore confidence of the individual, and help him gain a clearer perspective towards life.

Will Accept It Was an Isolated and Exploratory Activity

Drug use is bad. And everyone condemns it. But, sometimes a one-time exploratory activity is misinterpreted by the authorities, and narrated as a regular criminal activity involving distribution, trafficking and much more. An empathetic lawyer does not simply buy this premise. He understands that his client might have indulged in the activity, but it was not a deliberate criminal attempt. The intentions were not malicious. Many times, criminal charges are filed on basis of singular, isolated incidents. A smart and empathetic lawyer understands the actual nature of such an event. He accepts that sometimes human nature is inquisitive and curious, and we try out new things. But, it was an isolated and exploratory event, and nothing criminal can be established about it. Such a Chicago criminal defense lawyer understands that drug abuse can be a sporadic activity, and doesn't necessarily lead to criminal charges. The case proceedings and defense paradigm completely changes with this understanding.

Will Pay Attention to Every Possibility and Detail While Crafting Defense

So what happens when you unknowingly used or possessed a drug? What happens if actually you were the victim of an unlawful seizure? What happens if you were unaware of the drugs in your vicinity or property? What happens if there were others involved, but it’s only you, the charges are being pinned on? These are real situations and real cases. When your attorney believes you, and is completely convinced of your innocence in the situation, he will fight tooth and nail for you. While the authorities might not hear or heed your side of the story, be assured an understanding and empathetic lawyer will. He will pay attention to every little detail and possibility while crafting your defense. Armed with the details, he can lead to dismissal of charges, and cast a clear doubt on all that you are being accused of.

Is Most Likely To Get You Successful Outcome

A Chicago criminal defense attorney with high levels of sensitivity and emotional intelligence is more likely to get favorable outcomes. These are not random facts. There is academic evidence for the same. Attorneys with higher levels of empathy often correctly understands another person’s emotions and reads between the lines. This means, that the attorney is not just tuned in to the client’s emotions, but also to the jurors, the prosecutor,the judge and all others involved. This gives him an edge and lets him play on their emotions and motives to deliver a favorable outcome for his client. He can be more flexible and turn the case around as the water flows.

Is Not Going to Be a Friend

Understand that an empathetic lawyer will be a great asset. He will counsel you, help revive your self-esteem and confidence, but will not be your friend. Friendship can be dangerous when it comes to legal relationships. You lose objectivity and often get carried away. Empathy will make your attorney a guide, a counselor, and a better lawyer, but will not cloud his judgment. In fact it is the opposite. A lawyer with empathy gains an edge because he can combine perception and objectivity. A friend cannot do that. So an empathetic lawyer will never let those professional lines blur, and remain transparent and true to you and your case. A lawyer who is a friend on the other hand may not educate you on the graveness of your legal situation or hide some facts from you only with the intention to protect you, but it may serve to the contrary.

Final Words

A Chicago drug crimes attorney stated - we don’t sell ourselves to our clients. We don’t promise them the impossible. We only attempt to understand them, and empathize with them, so that we can craft the strongest defense, and deliver best results possible. Empathy brings about trust and respect for the client no matter what the circumstantial and legal situation. It helps think and convey clearly, and it has become an essential component of any successful defense. You learn more @

Law Office of Robert Kerr, LLC

Robert Kerr


Source: EmailWire.Com


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